Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Country French

Mixing it up just a bit.

370g water (not 376)
242g bread
169g wheat
48g rye
3/4 t yeast

Probably will get a bit dry since we're making it at night which means it will probably sit out all night.  And get eaten by ants.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Honey Whole Wheat

Same as last time on the flour/water:

317g water this time.
159g bread
287g regular whole wheat

1 to 1.5 t yeast.  I think just 1.5.  Turned out well.  Had a better density I think.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Honey Whole Wheat

Made it just like last time, since I can't remember how last time turned out.  Better records good sir!

Notes: This turns out quite well.  Perhaps a bit too fluffy though, so next time maybe less yeast or more whole wheat flour.  No word yet on how dry and crumbly it gets.